Ram has recently announced the establishment of Ram Professional, a new division dedicated to commercial vehicles, with a notable focus on electrification. This initiative is a strategic component of Stellantis Pro One’s ambition to lead the global commercial vehicle market. Ram Professional is slated to make its debut at the 2024 National Truck and Equipment (NTEA) Work Truck Week show in Indianapolis on March 6th. The division underscores Stellantis’ Dare Forward 2030 goal to diminish its carbon footprint and enhance customer satisfaction, particularly in North America.
Ram Professional is set up as an independent business unit within the company, aiming to provide a comprehensive ecosystem for commercial vehicle customers. This includes a significant emphasis on electric vehicles (EVs) and connected services, addressing the evolving needs of the commercial vehicle sector. Ken Kayser, Vice President of Ram Professional, highlighted the division’s commitment to offering best-in-class products and services, with a special focus on electrification to meet the specific requirements of commercial clients.
The division’s product portfolio is designed to appeal to a wide range of commercial vehicle users, from small businesses to large fleets, emphasizing value and low total cost of ownership. Among the standout offerings is the new Ram ProMaster EV, marking a significant step towards electrification in Ram’s commercial vehicle lineup. This electric vehicle is designed to cater to the demands of commercial users seeking environmentally friendly transportation solutions without compromising on performance.
Ram Professional’s approach includes not only electrified vehicles but also comprehensive electrification and charging solutions. The division plans to introduce professional charging solutions and services through the Stellantis Free2Move ecosystem, aiming to provide seamless electric vehicle charging and energy management for customers.
This focus on electrification is part of Ram Professional’s broader suite of services, which also encompasses vehicle customization, maintenance packages, commercial financing, and connected services. The division’s commitment to electrification is aligned with the automotive industry’s shift towards sustainable and environmentally friendly transportation solutions.
Jeff Kommor’s appointment as Senior Vice President of Commercial Sales further reinforces Ram Professional’s focus on expanding its commercial and fleet vehicle offerings, including the launch of the Ram ProMaster EV. Ram Professional is initiating its services in North America, with plans to broaden its offerings throughout 2024, positioning itself as a leader in commercial vehicle solutions with a strong emphasis on electrification.