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Tesla teases wireless home charging for its vehicles

The Tesla Investor Day is well underway, and while the presentation is focused mostly on investor-related information, there is some consumer-facing stuff that is interesting.

At the end of the charging portion of the presentation, Tesla charging executive Rebecca Tinucci showed a slide titled “Can’t Forget To Do Cool S***.”

As you can see, there is a Tesla Diner concept that has a major retro-futuristic vibe going on. Tesla is well aware that charging does take time, so having something for people to do helps pass the time. A diner is a great idea.

But what’s more interesting is the photo on the right. Why would she show a red Tesla parked in its garage?

If you look closely, there’s a black elevated mat underneath the back of the car. If you’ve seen some of our coverage of wireless technology, it is obvious that it’s a wireless charging mat.

Wireless charging would mean you don’t have to plug your car in at night. Just pulling into your parking spot would start the charging process. WiTricity is already running a prototype wireless charging solution on a Model 3, so it is obviously pretty easy to do.

Ram Trucks introduced a wireless charger when it showed of the concept version of the Ram Revolution, but beyond that we haven’t seen much talk of wireless charging support from automakers. We do know its coming, and it looks like Tesla might be one of the first.

Written by Chad Kirchner
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