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EV Basics: Helping make sense of EV ownership concepts and terminology


Owning a gasoline-powered car is seemingly simple. But really, it’s quite complicated when you factor in maintenance and upkeep, plus all the complicated components. But it seems simple because we’ve spent our entire lives around them and we are comfortable around them.

It’s different with electric vehicles. They’re in no way more complicated than a petrol- or diesel- powered car, but because there is different terminology and owning requires a bit of a different mindset, they can seem quite complicated and confusing.

That’s why we have EV Basics, a series designed to help you understand EV terminology and get the most out of the ownership experience explained in a way even your grandparents would understand.

On this page, and on our YouTube channel, we’ll present to you each episode in the six episode first volume of this series. Do you like what you see and want to see more? Be sure to comment on our YouTube video, or send us feedback at [email protected]

Our first volume of EV Basics is brought to you by WiTricity. WiTricity is a company that is working on making wireless car charging mainstream, making it even easier to own and operate an electric car. You can learn more about WiTricity right here.

Episode 1: kW vs. kWh

Two main terms swirl around EV ownership; kilowatts and kilowatt-hours. What is the difference? We explain.

Episode 2: Ways to Reduce Range Anxiety

Range anxiety is the fear of running out of electricity before reaching your destination. But more importantly, it’s the fear of not knowing where to charge up. What are some easy ways to cope with this issue so you can arrive where you’re going with confidence? Let’s find out.

Episode 3: What is the 80% Rule?

Why is the 80% number such a big deal in EV ownership? Our own Craig Cole breaks down what it is, why it exists, and how you can maximize your charging and travel requirements.

Episode 4: A New Hope Electric Vehicle Chargers Explained

Because there is no one official standard, there are many different types of EV connector types out there. Additionally, there are different charging speeds and technology out there to get more juice into your BEV. We explain it all.

Episode 5: Do You Need an EV Charger at Home?

Do you need an EV charger at home? It’s the age-old question, right up there with wondering about the proverbial chicken and the proverbial egg.

Episode 6: Hybrids vs. Plug-ins vs. Electric Cars

What’s the difference between stop start systems, mild hybrids, full hybrids, plug-in hybrids, and dedicated electric vehicles? A lot.

Recent Updates

Updated (5:37 pm EDT, 10/24/2022): Added both episodes 5 and 6 to the list, completing our first season of the series.

Updated (12:30 pm EDT, 10/10/2022): Added episode four regarding EV charger types and speeds, plus made a bad Star Wars reference in the heading.

Updated (11:44 am EDT, 10/03/2022): Added episode three regarding the 80% rule.

Updated (11:07 am EDT, 9/26/2022): Added episode two regarding range anxiety.

Written by Staff

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